Sound Effects - Download & Installation
To Download the SoundEffects tool, click here (257 Kb).   By downloading the software you are agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.  Copyright © 1998 Paul Regenhardt. All Rights Reserved. 

To install the program:

See the user manual for more information.

License Agreement
SoundEffects is protected by Title 17 United States Code and international convention, and remains the property of Paul Regenhardt. Paul Regenhardt grants the User a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to copy and use the program, data and documentation (collectively referred to hereafter as the "software") in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The User shall always copy the software,  and copyright notice in its entirety without any additions, deletions or modifications whatsoever. The User shall not distribute or use the software (or any part thereof) for any commercial purpose whatsoever, nor charge any fee for the medium on which the User stores or transfers the software, without the prior written permission of Paul Regenhardt. Paul Regenhardt provides the software "as is" and "with all faults" without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Because of the diversity of hardware and software configurations under which this software may be installed and used, no warranty of merchantability, performance or fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The User shall test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The User assumes the entire risk of using the software. PAUL REGENHARDT  SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF MONEY TRADING FOREIGN CURRENCY) RESULTING FROM USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Do not download the software if you do not understand and agree to the license terms and conditions.

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